2022 Guide: What you should know about branding for sustainability and impact

There are tons of reports out there every year around this time, talking about sustainability, branding, marketing trends, but what I hear about most from my clients, or brands, is… these are huge topics, and what do I do with all this data that I simply don’t have time to process and implement?

Today’s episode is here to first inform you about branding and impact trends, inspire you to take action, and most importantly, empower you with the clarity you need to make 2022 an epic year for your brand.

Because, what’s the point of having all this data when we don’t even know what to do with it?

This episode comes from a survey we sent out mid 2021 asking Hong Kongers how they felt about social/environmental issues today and what they expected of brands/businesses to help us tackle these problems.

We’ve gathered the following insights from close to 300 responses that came in, across all ages and all income levels.

Click here if you want a closer look at the findings yourself.

1. Boomers care more than we think

We found that Boomers (currently 57 to 76) actually care and do a lot more for our society and environment than we think. They did the most recycling, donating, and using less. While Gen Z (currently 16 to 25) are on the flip end doing the least of these actions, however, this younger generation is choosing to spend on products/services that support social/environmental causes, and they’re more active online in spreading awareness.

Older generations are doing more traditional methods of supporting our community and helping our environment. Whereas younger generations are trying to make a change for their own future.

Why is understanding this important?

To understand the behaviours of different people. To get to know your audience groups and tailoring your messaging and how it relates to your product/service to them.

Tune into untapped potential by looking outside the box:

  • What are the different needs across different generations?
  • What do they need educating on?
  • What can you leverage on what they’re already doing/what they care about?

How can we better cater to older generations and continue to serve them in ways that are meaningful to them?

Often health and wellness brands, or more disruptive brands, forget about the silver-haired generation. But maybe they actually care a lot more than we think, just in different ways.

There’s huge untapped potential if we can speak to them in ways that resonate with them, and spread the word within their own communities.

2. People are willing to pay

We know people really care about social and environmental issues, but what are they doing about it?

Our survey shows that 9 in 10 people expect businesses/brands to play their part.

And a whopping 86% of people are willing to pay more for brands that support a social or environmental cause.

People are voting with their voices and wallets, so make sure you are stepping up to the demand. Consumers today are savvy. They expect you to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. They cannot be fooled.

What would stop someone from making the purchase?

Our results showed that people want authenticity, transparency, and also they’re asking brands to be creative so they can be excited to be part of the solution and not contribute to the problem.

Calling yourself a purpose-driven brand because you’re donating to charity simply doesn’t cut it anymore.

What influences purchasing decisions?

Influencers ranked LOWEST in influencing a purchasing decision. Only 7% of people would consider an influencer influential.

In comparison, 72% of people said a friend/family recommendation is actually the most influential in their purchasing decisions. Followed by online reviews at 60%.

3. Messaging

A study done in the UK by the University of East Anglia and the University of Leeds shows shoppers are more likely to buy sustainable products that don’t look eco-friendly. Many mainstream shoppers continue to believe that sustainable products are less effective than conventional ones.

While people are more willing than ever before to look for sustainable alternatives in every product category, when it comes to actual purchases rather than a willingness to buy, many may still stick to conventional products.

This is certainly reflected in our survey results, where convenience and price play a big factor in purchasing decisions. It takes a lot to change habits.

If we were to spend money on something we are very familiar with, versus something we’re completely new to, of course we would choose the former. Unless something REALLY sways us. A few responses we got said this is especially true with impulse purchases.

3 actions you can take:

Through these insights, we’ve identified 3 key areas that brands can really start to make their own impact.

We really want to encourage you to LEAD, ENGAGE, and COLLABORATE.

1. Lead

Our survey results show we are ready for brands to take the lead. We want to see more of it and we are ready to pay for it. So brands, step into your leadership. You’ve got this!

How can your businesses make purpose a bigger part of what you do? What do you stand for? How can you influence a better tomorrow?

2. Engage

The results also show us there is huge untapped potential across different generations and income levels. Take time to understand your audience and engage in meaningful ways. Let them know you’re in this together with them.

Talk to your community. Understand their passions and their pain points. Get out of your office. Be a customer for a day. Be an employee for a day. Shadow your parent for a day. There’s so much you can learn outside of what you think you already know.

As brands, you have the resources and influence to connect with people on so many levels. Lean into your power and trust that you have the ability to create a positive ripple effect.

3. Collaborate and get creative

We can no longer afford to see purpose and profit as separate. Only by working together can we move forward into a better, more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

Get clear about what you stand for, where your strengths are, and what you aim to do. Put yourself out there. Corporates, reach out to not-for-profits. Retirees, reach out to students.

Heck, reach out to your competitors. I always encourage our clients to see competitors as collaborators. There’s enough for everyone! Get creative and forge great partnerships to gain attention, drive innovation and create influence.

So how are you feeling?

The full Impact Insights report is packed full of these incredible insights, so please don’t miss out on this chance to really make 2022 a big, impactful year for your brand! Download the 40 page report here.

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